submission failed due to issues requiring correction:
Firearm Ownership Report ($19.00 processing fee)
Pursuant to California Penal Code section 28000, any person who is not required by law to report the acquisition or
ownership of a firearm, or any person who is otherwise exempt from the requirement of conducting a transfer through a
licensed firearms dealer, may report ownership of a firearm to the Department of Justice by submitting a Firearm Ownership Report.
New Resident Firearm Ownership Report ($19.00 processing fee)
As defined by California Penal Code sections 17000 and 27560, a personal firearm importer is any person who moves
into California with a firearm that was acquired from outside of this state and who intends to own and possess the
firearm in California. A personal firearm importer is required to report ownership of their firearms by submitting a
New Resident Firearm Ownership Report within sixty (60) days of bringing the firearms into California.
Collector In-State Acquisition of Curio or Relic Long Gun Report ($19.00 processing fee)
Pursuant to California Penal Code section 27966, persons residing in California who possess a Collector of Curios and
Relics Federal Firearms License and a valid Certificate of Eligibility may lawfully acquire curio or relic long guns from
non-licensees without completing the transfer through a licensed firearms dealer. The person obtaining or taking possession
of the firearms is required to submit a Collector In-State Acquisition of Curio or Relic Long Gun Report within thirty (30)
days of taking possession of the long gun.
Curio or Relic Firearm Report ($19.00 processing fee)
Pursuant to California Penal Code section 27565, persons residing in California who possess a Collector of Curios and
Relics Federal Firearms License may acquire a curio and relic firearm while outside of California and subsequently transport
the firearm into California. The person is required to submit a Curio or Relic Firearm Report within five (5) days of transporting
the firearm into California.
Report of Operation of Law ($19.00 processing fee)
Pursuant to California Penal Code sections 16990 and 27920, a person that is at least 18 years of age and who has a valid
Firearm Safety Certificate may take title or possession of a firearm by Operation of Law, in-lieu of completing the transfer
through a licensed firearms dealer. Some examples of Operation of Law include an executor or administrator of an estate, spouses,
trustee in bankruptcy, etc. The person obtaining or taking possession of the firearm is required to submit a Report of Operation
of Law within thirty (30) days of taking possession of the firearm.
Report of Intra-Familial Firearm Transaction ($19.00 processing fee)
Pursuant to Penal Code sections 16720 and 27875, a person that is at least 18 years of age and who has a valid Firearm Safety
Certificate may take title or possession of a firearm by gift, bequest, intestate succession or by other means from an immediate
family member, in-lieu of completing the transfer through a licensed firearms dealer provided that the transfer is infrequent and
that the Report of Intra-Familial Firearm Transaction is submitted within thirty (30) days of the transfer.
Law Enforcement Release Application ($20 for one firearm and/or any amount of ammunition or ammunition feeding devices, and $3 for each additional firearm)
Pursuant to Penal Code section 33850, any person who claims ownership of a firearm, ammunition,
or ammunition feeding device in the custody or control of a court or law enforcement agency,
and wishes to have the firearm, ammunition, or ammunition device returned, is required to submit a Law Enforcement Release Application.
Applicants must provide documentation from the law enforcement agency or court with this application to qualify for the waiver of fees.